True Healing Homeopathy and Complementary Therapy Storrington & Hove, Sussex and Ipswich & Felixstowe, Suffolk

Frequently Asked Questions

How can homeopathy work if there are no molecules of the original substance left in the medicine?
Unlike other forms of medicine, homeopathy does not work on the material level. We believe, and there is mounting evidence to suggest, that homeopathy is what is known as an 'energy medicine'. Experiments in the area of quantum physics, that is, at the sub-molecular level, tend to support our theory that homeopathy is rather like a message to the body to heal itself.

Isn't it dangerous to use poisonous herbs?
It is easy to confuse homeopathy with herbalism, because in fact we also use plants in our medicines. Herbalists use tinctures (crude doses), but although some medicinal plants are potentially poisonous, our medicine is diluted so much that there is no chance of toxicity from them.

Can you treat serious diseases such as cancer?
There has been little research in this area to date, and let's be honest, most people with life-threatening illnesses see medical specialists first. However, it is important to realise that homeopathy is a complementary medicine and is frequently used alongside conventional treatments in such cases. Homeopathy can reduce the side-effects of cancer treatments, and makes a valuable contribution to the care of cancer patients.

Can I have homeopathy instead of HRT?
This is an area for which we do have evidence. Yes, homeopathy is a real alternative to HRT, but the prescription must be individualised to the patient. Homeopaths treat hot flushes, hormonal mood-swings, mild depression, headaches, itching and other menopausal problems. We can also suggest lifestyle changes and give dietary advice too.

How do we know homeopathy works? Could it just be a placebo?
There have been some important trials done in Glasgow which demonstrate that homeopathy is not simply a placebo. Remember that all medicines can behave as placebos...especially the coloured ones! The experience of many homeopaths over the past 200 years is that we achieve much higher success rates than can be attributed to placebo alone. Homeopathy has also been demonstrated to work on animals and as we are frequently asked to treat babies and small children, we are convinced it is not just a placebo.

Can you treat pregnant women and small babies?
Yes. Homeopathy comes into its own when we treat common problems of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, back-ache and fatigue. Because the medicines are safe, even very small babies can be treated, for things such as failure to feed, indigestion and colic.

What do doctors think about homeopathy?
Doctors are becoming increasingly open-minded about homeopathy and where homeopathy is integrated in the NHS, many doctors welcome it.

Can I be referred on the NHS for homeopathic treatment?
This may depend on where you live, but this is made easier when the homeopath is PSA registered (which I am). Why not ask your GP? More are now referring to non-medical homeopaths.

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